Wednesday 12 May 2021

A New Project – My New Writing Desk …….

I really love my “new” craft room, but I have to be honest, I much prefer writing my blogs sitting at the window of the kitchen area in my lounge/diner, some people are just never pleased! I can’t tell you how many hours I have wasted poring over the internet looking for a narrow desk, table, dressing table to fit the spot where my trusty old Ikea craft table used to sit ……. aghhhh, I tell you, the measurements are ingrained in my soul ………. at that stage I knew I had to chill and wait for the right thing to find me, even if it took longer than I wanted.


So there I was standing in The Tracey Sollis Charity Shop in Evesham mooching through this and that on a table, when I noticed it too was for sale ……. I wasn’t too keen on the legs ……. so unbelievably I left it there ……….


…….. but, it mithered me for the rest of the morning and by the time got home I had decided to phone the shop and ask them to keep it for me, but as fate is oft to happen, when I mentioned it to my lovely friend Kata across the hall, as she was already going to town, she suggested we go and have another look and bring take a tape measure with us just in case!


Second time round it was perfect, I was already getting ideas. It was big enough to sit at comfortably and deep and wide enough to accommodate my lap top, mouse and that all important cup of coffee, plus there was a drawer for pens, paper and said mouse!


Why on earth did I need to think twice - £3?  That’s less than Costa Coffee and the same as a large box of Maltesers, save 1p for goodness sake!  Soooooooo, I have ordered some pink/purple and turquoise Decopatch papers and while I am waiting for them to arrive I plan to paint and matte varnish the legs in a darkish turquoise.  Then, I will simply Decopatch the top and sides (and again varnish). I’m not sure if I’ll paper in a pattern or be totally random. If the legs don’t look right at this stage then I can easily paper them too, as I have ordered way too many papers!  I need to find, pardon the expression, a small diamond knob for the drawer to match all the other knobbed furniture in the room.  Well. that’s the theory anyway, so watch this space …….. 


  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing the transformation of y our new table. I hope you'll take some photos of the process along the way.

  2. Oh it fits perfectly, what a brilliant find! I can’t wait to see it after it’s been’ve got me wondering again if there’s any way I can squeeze a tiny sewing corner into our flat now!

  3. Great idea going back for that table-what a bargain! Looking forward to seeing how you alter it.



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