Tuesday 11 May 2021

Fiddle Fart Guest Crafter – Paula And Her Knitted Egg Cosies

Ta dah …….. may I present, for you delectation today, my Guest Crafter Paula and her wonderful egg cosies ………


They arrived totally out of the blue just before Easter, beautifully wrapped inside a proper mini egg box, complete with  secreted Cadbury Creme, which, dare I say, disappeared very quickly .


Paula said she also made everyone in her daughter’s class one for Easter too, she has so much patience, I would have been climbing the walls after just one, all the little details like the bows and hairbands would have driven me mad, let alone all the sewing up.


Needless to say I LOVE them. They are destined to become much loved and oft refilled Easter treasures in the coming years ………… THANK YOU PAULA.


  1. Oh, wow, they are super cute! I can't imagine the patience and perseverance it takes to make so many of them.

  2. Oh my goodness-they’re sooo cute!!!!



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