Monday 10 May 2021

Barbola Style Mirror Finally Done!

That’s it, I am not fiddle farting with this flipping mirror ever again!!!!!

Last time you saw it, it looked like this (below), it was too much …….


It was too much, too fussy and too many elements, the small metal flowers had to go!


I then just gave it another couple of coats of random stroked paints …….

……….. as I may have said before, I don’t really think the previous materials Marc and I used to change the colour of the original thick embossing powders that I moulded the flowers with “liked” the acrylic paint, and though I thought I daubed quite heavily, it seemed to disappear when I went back to the project.

Anyway, that's it!  If I am truthful, it still isn't quite right, perhaps I'm just being hyper critical.  I think it may be the metal flowers and leaves? Ideally, I think it would have been better if I could have moulded a variety of different sized flowers and then layered them ....... sadly not possible with the other moulds I have.

However, I still have quite a few flowers left ..... I am toying with the idea of a door wreath ...... but I am not sure I can face putting it together for a little while yet, this mirror, after almost a year of twiddling and diddling has really made my head hurt!


  1. I think it looks awesome. No need for any more fiddlefarting.

  2. It may have taken a year but it is now beautiful, worth the effort, Tilly

  3. It's fabulous as it was both me and Rick said we would have gone even more dec lol. its still fabulous but just a different way of showing off what you can do with your stach and how you can remake it so it's never a fail. we all see things in different ways your only problem is you are way to critical.infact I have never meet anyone as critical of their arts and crafts as you are you just have to learn to let go. As your makes are always fabulous and I know 1000 people who would have loved the first one and a 1000x more who would have loved the second one and you know who would have had both ME ME ME no hints you can always gift your so called fails as you call them my way lol big love always Marc


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