Tuesday 4 May 2021

Finding Things To Occupy Myself ……..

Following on from yesterday and not having any crafty posts this week ……. life is changing. I am now only needed to do two school runs per week in term time, which means I am no longer walking half as much as before lockdown and Bertie starting “big school”. At my peak I was walking at least ten miles a week as I don’t drive and no Evesham bus ever goes anywhere near where I need to go. This also means that I have a lot more time on my hands, sooooooooo ……. I have started eBaying again, like I did to fund my trip to the Eurovision Song Contest in Sweden a few years ago, with Marc’s partner Rick.


If successful at this revived venture I will need to go mooching and to the post office a least a couple of times a week, it’s not all that far away, but there is a pretty steep hill (well, for an unfit me) to negotiate.


I am planning on selling a lot of stuff I already have, The Towers is pretty small and I need to cull, things I no longer need, things that have served their purpose, things I have simply gone off, plus tranklements I have already bought from charity shops and perhaps even some of my crafts with Halloween and Christmas in mind.


I think I have a pretty good eye when out charity shop shopping for decent stuff, never, until now, looking for marks or labels, I have just bought things I liked but on coming home have found that I have got something that turns out to be “quite good”.


I’ll admit it, there is a little something that I know will prick my conscious now that I am consciously going out to find things to “flip for a profit”, but there are an awful lot of other people doing the same thing and when I think of all the car loads of stuff I donated when I moved to Evesham …… my goodness, I left Wolverhampton with about twenty boxes of the basics and clothes, in fact it got embarrassing as some shops said they couldn’t take any more, so I think, all in all, it evens itself up in the end.


All the research, writing up, photos, then wrapping and posting takes a lot of time and effort, but I need to be occupied outside Fiddle Fart and the Monkeys to keep my brain ticking over, as well as getting out and about, before I can finally volunteer at Iris and Bertie’s school, hopefully in September, Covid willing.


However, not all my “findings” are going to go on eBay, some will come to roost on my shelves, then there are my various sacks of Festive Tut at Christmas AND coming soon …… Marc’s birthday, oh my goodness have I found some stuff to make him squeal and gasp for breathe through his laughter ……… but that’s for another day.


However, to bring a smile at the end of this post, the one that got away …… a teapot, originally from Australia and priced at about £1.50, if my memory serves me well, yes, believe it or not, I did pick it up, there were no chips or cracks …… but, unbelievably, I know, I left it there!


  1. Fun post! I love seeing the goodies that you have, the goodies that you see in the shops and the goodies you are planning to sell.

  2. Oh dear,
    Now might just not be the right time to have posted a parcel off to you then!!
    Hugs Mrs A. Norm, Sammy.


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