Monday 28 June 2021

Time To Be Out And About …… Me Thinks ………

As often happens during the year I'm really struggling at the moment to get any crafting done and in turn, get posts written to go with whatever I do, so for the next little while I think I will only post on a Monday, be it crafts, charity shop finds, objects of desire etc. I'm not ready to hang my Fiddle-Fart boots up yet, but the opportunity to have long weekends away at the moment, after soooooooo long in lockdown, is just a far greater pull.  I'm sure that once summer grows into autumn I'll start to panic about Halloween and Christmas and I'll be champing at the bit again!


So, last weekend the whole family stayed at  the Drayton Manor Park Hotel (Thomasland) and Park for Iris's seventh birthday, where Lu was way more excited than the little ones to have her picture taken, at breakfast, with the Fat Controller, such a lovely face! We also managed to fit in a day exploring the pleasures of Tamworth's finest charity shops, but sadly they yielded absolutely nothing, our money, for once, was safe!


However last Monday Evesham yielded sooooooooooo much, including this little fella found abandoned on the children’s shelf for 50p.  Now my gut feeling is, after some research, that this was probably the real 1960’s Danish deal, backed up by the number of watchers it had and how quickly it sold. If it is, I perhaps should have gone with my instinct and added a little more to the buy now price, however I am more than happy with what I got, considering what I paid.


Four retro kitsch, lustreware elephants - £1.25 the set

I also found a Super Badge-It Maker for £1.50 (no pictures sorry, too boring)  – complete with the badges (often missing), perfect for Iris and Bertie to make little fairing gifts for the end of the school year for their teachers. This badge maker has the facility to make three different badge shapes (I’ve had one before) and once the badges are used up, I will return it from whence it came, but £1.50 was well worth it as the refill badges, if you can find them, cost a fortune!


And my best buy of the week? Only this crocheted blanket for £4!  It’s mahooooooosive. It’s had a good wash with a ton of fabric softener and only one square needs a repair.  The ribbon binding is a little ragged in places, so I think its definitely got some age to it, however, I will leave it exactly as it is as it’s all part of it’s story.  I think this will be my sofa snuggling blanket as the nights draw in, so much more comforting and characterful than my boring old B M Bargains throw.


1988 Precious Moments “Wishing You Roads Of Happiness” - £1

And, as you read this I will be travelling back from a weekend in Portsmouth with Lu, where we will have taken in some much needed sea air, eaten a little candy floss, if we can find some, squandered a bucket full of 2p’s in the arcades and taken in the charity shops of Winchester and Chichester along the way!  Happy days!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting finds! Those little elephants are so cute. I would have snatched them up, too.


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