Monday 5 July 2021

30th Easel Birthday Card

Oh my goodness, I am struggling with all my birthday cards for this month, I am soooooooo out of practice,  it’s unbelievable. 


And, this is a huge cheat anyway, because I used a 12cms x 16cms canvas and easel set from The Works, I just couldn’t face making a card ……. perhaps this is the way to go for the time being?


The set, which stands approximately 15cms tall,  was a bargain a while back as it was reduced from £2 to £1, which was a no brainer, I think I bought quite a few at the time.


I simply stuck random letters from various alphabet sets onto the canvas with a few additional confetti stars and clusters of the black dots here and there. I decided to glue the canvas onto the easel, because left resting on the bar the canvas looked a little out of kilter. 

I might go through my other easel sets to get them used up, perhaps a few for Halloween and the rest for Christmas? We shall see.


  1. What an amazing idea, ive got a friend who is an artist would make such a fabulous card for her, off to have a look on the works website.

  2. I think this is a great idea to give someone on their birthday in place of a card. It's much more gift-like and can be on display for the entire year.


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