Monday 20 June 2022

Mini Halloween Skeleton Trick Or Treat Easels

My first Halloween tranklements of the year……. I think?

Halloween mini easel palce cards

Made using the wooden, natural coloured (place-card) mini easels I found on either Amazon or Ebay, sorry I can’t quite remember – I think they usually come  under the heading of weddings (?).

Wooden mini easels placecards

I started by giving the easels a couple of coats of Wilko quick dry, satin varnish, because if you try to use a felt pen on these cheaper type of easels, it  tends to bleed into the wood.


Once the varnish was dry  (it really dries quickly) I coloured the edges and shelves of the easels with either an orange or purple Sharpie pen and then added faux stitching round the edge of the chalkboard with a fine, white Posca Pen.

IMG_1951White Posca Pen. Perfect for Crafts

While I held the body of the skeleton in place, I was able to position the writing where I more or less wanted it, but because the board was varnished, any mistakes were pretty easy to wipe off to start again if needed.


I was then ready to add all the MDF shapes, coloured in beforehand either with Sharpie pens or in the case of the skeleton, white Ranger Enamel Accents using E8000 glue, because I wanted a really secure fix.


I also used Ranger Glossy Accents to help make all the various components, except for the skeleton to pop.

Dovecraft 3D Enamel Effect. GreenIMG_1955

When everything had dried I then used green Dovecraft 3D Enamel Effects to add the dripping slime effect.


For extra fiddle fart and to help fill in some of the empty space bringing everything together I added tiny red stars and clusters of three white dots around the writing.  I also gave the bat and rat tiny, red nail art gems for eyes

Trick or Treat mini Haloween EaselIMG_1981

Once I have worked out a system of putting everything together these little favours are pretty quick and easy to put together.

Mini Easel Halloween Favours

This year, I am really hoping to use up all the Halloween MDF shapes I have, last year I did buy rather a lot,  but they’re not much good if they are just left sat sitting in my craft drawers, if you’ll pardon the expression!


  1. another success and to be ready so early for the season is amazing, you will soon be on to Christmas 2023 lol Tilly

  2. Fun tranklements! I admire how far ahead of the game you are, making Halloween trinkets in June!! I'm struggling just to get birthday cards made for our numerous summer family birthdays.


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