Tuesday 21 June 2022

Iris’s End Of Term Seashell Holiday Wish Bracelets

Following on from Bertie’s Chinese Cat wish bracelets of last week, I decided to make something similar for Iris as a small end of school year “Thank You” for all the people that made this year special for her.

Holiday wish Bracelets with poem.

For Iris, I went down the holiday theme for her bracelets, using these double sided, seashell charms that cost £3.96 for 36 (so working out at approx.10p each) from eBay.

IMG_2060seashell charms

To make the shells a little more special I glued a small flat back pearl on one of the sides………

Holiday Wish Bracelets.Seaside. Holiday Wish Charm Bracelets

…… before threading the charms onto a thick, waxed, blue thread that was long enough to be tied round a wrist.


I then found a wish bracelet poem that I altered slightly to fit with the theme. I think it works and has a flow to it? I did this on Publisher and used “Ink Free” font in font size 13. Once happy, I printed off a few sheets of poem cards, cut them up and under the heading put small holes on either side to put the cord through.


To keep things tidy,  I stuck the threads down on the back of the poem card with a white label and then put piece of card the same size in front of it in the cellophane packet, to keep everything hidden and professional looking.

Holiday Wish Bracelet with seashellSeashell Holiday Wish Bracelet and Poem

As the time gets nearer I’ll pop the bracelet in a bag with a small stick of proper seaside rock, bought in advance and in anticipation when we were in Minehead over Easter.  I am also thinking of making something else with a holiday/seaside theme to help use up some of the seaside MDF shapes I bought last summer.  A decorated mini easel or a fridge magnet? We shall see.


  1. The bracelets look lovely, you have such great imagination.


  2. Iris and her friends will love these special bracelets, another winner lol Tilly

  3. These will be such sweet remembrances of a sweet girl. You're just the best Nana in the world!


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