Wednesday 22 June 2022

Objects Of Desire ……. ????

Not to everyone’s taste I know, but these marble topped bedside tables rather caught my eye at the Old Georgian Shop in Evesham.  Sorry, I couldn’t find a price ….. I’d have said £80 the pair?


They really are beasts, being rather ugly and quite masculine, not my usual “oooooo ahhhhh” style, but in the right setting, they could make really make a statement and a million miles away from anything from Ikea.


I am thinking…… clean up the marble, paint them two shades of navy blue and then really polish up the brass knobs and hinges ……. I really do need a second house just to play decorating in!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see a "second house" where you got to let your imagination run wild, money was no object, and you got to play at decorating all you wanted. I think it would be fabulous!


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