Monday 8 August 2022

Halloween or Christmas Skeleton Fairies

About ten years ago skeleton garlands were such a Halloween staple in discount shops that they got boring. I bought my fill, mainly for decoration and then the novelty sort of wore off.


Picture from – not in stock at moment

Then, when I was thinking “fairies”, you couldn’t find them for love nor money and if you did, the prices online were stupid. So, last year when they made a reappearance  I bought both Marc and I a few packs, they were no longer a pound, but at about £2.99 they still worked out at 50p each, which wasn’t bad going as the main component of a project.

Halloween Christmas Tree Skeleton Fairies

But as I say, a bargain isn’t a bargain unless you use it, so this is what’s on my desk this week ………

Skeleton fairies

My aim now is to use all the fairies I have  (finding more suitable wings permitting) and then get them out of my system.

The fairies are pretty basic, the skirts are made from two layers of 6cm wide, wired, sequin lace that I gathered and then glued in place with a glue gun, because it’s quick and almost impossible to remove from material once stuck.

The large black and purple wings were part of a really cheap artificial flower spray from a discount shop in Evesham.  I am hoping they will have a few more when I next pop in.  I teamed these up with a smaller wing from a craft pack, now sadly discontinued, from The Works

Skeleton Fairy

I then added iridescent flower sequins (The Works), adding a small flat back pearl in the middle, on the shoulders and breast bone of the skeleton …….


……. finishing it all off with a silver crown finding (E-bay) using B-7000 glue for a secure fix.


On the back, so that the fairy can be hung, I glued a flat bail and pendant fixing.


They needed something else to add to their fairy-ness, so I decided to give them wands,  I used a cocktail stick and a silver snowflake embellishment, to which I added a purple flat back pearl in the centre.  What really made the wands up was the silver, chrome pen I used on the stick, it really does look like metal. 


For good measure I also used the chrome pen on the skeletons toe nails!

skeleton fairy wand

I used B-7000 glue to attach wand on one hand and up across to mid section of the opposite arm.

Skeleton Fairy - Halloween Christmas

I’m thinking that these fairies could do for Halloween, Christmas or just general, not to everyone’s task I know, but if I do get a craft stall later on in the year, I think I also need a few things that are different from my usual cutesy stuff and these might appeal to someone?????

1 comment:

  1. These took a lot of fiddle farting to complete, but so worth it!


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