Tuesday 9 August 2022

Christmas Fairing/Favour Tins for Merci Chocolates

I think this year is going to be a small tin sort of year as far as a lot of my Christmas and Halloween crafting is shaping up and I can also see the potential of Merci chocolates to use in small fairing gifts, so why not combine the two.

Merci Chocolates Tin Favour

Talking of tins …… I have to confess to a moment of stupendous madness regarding 56 of the creatures, because after saying how expensive they were last week, I stumbled upon a bundle of small cigar tins for £4.99 or nearest offer plus P & P. I promise I tried to resist, but they kept calling to me and so I put in a cheeky bid of £4.50 and got them, aghhhhh, so including the P & P they worked out at 16p each, but what to do with them?


There’s no great shakes to this first idea, I simply gave the outside of a tin two coats of white spray paint, leaving it overnight to really dry.

Next day I glued three metal Christmas tree embellishments on to the front using B-7000 for a really secure fix.


The sentiment is a silver table confetti piece sprayed gold to coordinate with the gold of the trees.  A smattering of gold three dot clusters and the front was done! Very less is more.


The inside was pretty easy too, as I just lined it with a lightweight,  small print,  Christmas design paper and then faux stitched round the edges with a fine tipped black pen.  I will add a handwritten message to the inside lid nearer Christmas when I know who I am going to give them to, at the moment  I am thinking the Lunch Time Supervisors at I and B’s school.


I wish the Merci chocolates (box of 20 for about £4.99, but I am hoping to find a better deal nearer Christmas) were just a fraction thinner, the tins are approx. 7/8cms deep, so as a precaution, I have also bought some small, round, clear, adhesive seals to put on the sides to keep the lid from popping and chocolates safe, but that’s me, I am a bit anal about that sort of things, wanting things to look professional. 

My eyes will be peeled now for other chocolates that could fit the tins for different ideas and themes, chocolate coins for little ones perhaps?

Merci Chocolates Christmas Tin Favour

I am also thinking of using the tins as Christmas/Birthday money holders, with a box containing another 50 odd I have plenty of scope for ideas.


  1. wow you got a bargin there lol....a super first go at Christmas, it's the fun of the chase with chocolates now . Tilly


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