Monday 19 December 2022

Happy Christmas 2022 ………..

I’ve wanted a Charlie Brown type Christmas tree for ages now …… so for this year at least, this is the closest I’ve got.


Found in an Evesham charity shop, where else, for just £2.50 and three AA batteries, it would have been rude not to.  All I had to add was the shiny, red, jingle bell ornament. I love it.

With just a few days to go I’d like, with much love, to wish you all a  wonderful and peaceful Christmas, stay safe and after a short break I’ll hopefully be back ………. on the other side, on 2nd January 2023 and then "properly" on 9th January.


  1. Your tree is beautiful. I imagine its lights twinkling in your home each day during the Christmas holiday. Have a wonderful time with family (especially those beautiful grandchildren) and friends. Looking forward to your posts in the New Year.

  2. The tree is lovely. A very happy Christmas to you & The monkeys and all the best for 2023.


  3. Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and creative New Year!

  4. A PERFECT tree, love it. Clean and simple?
    Happy Christmas Helen!
    Faith x

  5. Love it! Happy Christmas to you all, hope you have a wonderful time xx


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