Monday 12 December 2022

Mini Santa Chocolate Sleigh Decoration/Favours

This is the idea I’ve had in mind ………..


…….. ever since I bought a few packs of the little, white, wooden sleighs (2 for £1) from The Works when they first appeared in the shops.


There’s not a lot to them, it was just a case of waiting for the nets of chocolate Santas to arrive in Home Bargains (79p a net of 12) and then finding the right sized, wrapped chocolate to fit on the sleigh, in this case Marks and Spencer Italian Chocolate Assortment (£5) which look a bit like Santa’s sack(?).


I tied a narrow, red ribbon around the neck of the chocolate and then put two, self adhesive, foam pads on the bottom so that it would stick on to the sleigh.


I used two, self adhesive Christmas greetings (Hobbycraft, a couple of years ago) in either pink or green on the two sides of the sleigh runners.


An adhesive, foam pad was also stuck to the back of the Santas to attach them to the front of the chocolates.


As I said, there’s not an awful lot to them, it was just a case of trying to find components that were all in reasonable proportion to each another.


I think these would make a really cute table place setting/favours, perhaps changing one of the greeting tags on the side of the sleigh for the name of the various guests? 


  1. These look great, you’re so talented.


  2. how cute these would be as as table gifts, there may not be much to them but will be a talking point as you sit around the table, Tilly

  3. These are so cute! Wish I had all the components so I could make them for each place setting at my son's house this Christmas. Oh well, maybe next year. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

  4. Brilliant thinking and result as always Christine, Fabulous.
    Faith x


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