Wednesday 8 February 2023

Just Chatting …….. A Couple of Charity Shop Finds ……..

When I saw this thing (below) on the charity shop shelf I admit I dismissed it at first, but then did a double take, was it what I thought it was?


It was only a flipping walnut shell mould, something I’d researched a few times in the past as a substitute for the real thing when crafting, so at 40p it was worth a bit of a punt.


I think it’s a chocolate mould for making solid walnut shaped sweets?  The moulds are a little smaller than the real walnut shells I have used during the year, I think there would only be room for a single snowman in one.


It’s made of hard plastic, so I wasn’t sure how much give there would be when trying to remove Fimo from it, so the best thing to do was to give it a try. I think I could have gone a bit thinner on the Fimo, but it did release pretty well and the baked resultant shapes turned out OK too, but, to be honest, they don’t really have any of the charm of the real thing, so I think it will probably get re-donated in the next month or so unless I have a unbelievable brainwave or anyone reading this would like it?


In another shop I saw these two characters that took me aback a bit as they looked awfully familiar ……..


They are the snowmen I distributed singly for my Festive RAK last year and have started to leave around town again this year, so how two got together I just can’t guess.  However, I decided to leave them where they were, but still had a good rootle in the basket to see what else was in there.


….. and found these two beautiful vintage angels that I absolutely love, plus a ceramic Santa candle holder that I’m not so sure about, but for just 75p the lot, it would have been rude not to, happy days!


  1. What a great find, you always see wonderful and creativeness where ever you go. As for "your boxes" they look great amongst all the lovely Christmas things. Love your angels, look forward to seeing what you do with those.
    Faith x

  2. You have such a great eye for useful and/or decorative items. Wish I had your talent!

  3. Your lovely snowmen you sent to our Monkeys are proudly displayed on our Christmas tree! How very dare someone donate them! BTW, parcel sorting ground to a halt with a few MOT appointments - car and body - but normal service will resume ASAP and I'll be back on the case! Di xx


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