Wednesday 8 February 2023

Valentine’s Tree

This is a little something Iris, Bertie and I cobbled together to decorate a small tree along the school path for 1st February.

Copy of IMG_0433

I was lucky to find the red hearts in MaxiSave just after Christmas when they had been reduced from 99p to 49p for two.  The large pink hearts came from eBay and cost me £3.50 for 12. 


However, if Iris and Bertie decide to do it again next year, I will be mindful to collect any heart shape decorations in the 10p charity boxes around Christmas if/when I see them.


You’ll have to excuse the monkey, they do have a habit of pop up now and again to spoil an otherwise lovely shot!


A couple more memories made ……. they are both now planning an Easter tree, bless them, so I guess I’ll be sent out to look for a few really cheap bits and pieces to hang on that tree too………..


  1. Wonderful memories made with those pretty hearts, it really is a lovely idea.
    Faith x

  2. What a great idea! They may do something like this with their own children some day.


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