Monday 24 April 2023

Bertie’s Birthday Frame

Sorry, only one post this week ......... it's been a busy Easter break and other things just got in the way ....... I think I'll just keep to one post a week for the next little while, be it crafting or charity shop finds until I get my mojo back!

It’s become tradition that I make Bertie a sort of shadow box for his birthday that reflects his interest(s) at the time  ………


……. this my effort for his 6th birthday, to go with his interest in tea, …… he’s a strange child, he’s even got his own Tea Team website ……….


Below is the permanent little table in his bedroom where he comes up with all manner of tea based concoctions.


I bought these plastic frames in large quantities about three/four years ago from Poundland, the best was when they were reduced to 25p each, when I cleared the shelves, I think I may now be down to my last three, but occassionally they still turn up on my travels in one or two stores.


I simply removed the back and covered over the backing picture with a scrap of stripy blue/grey patterned paper.


The MDF teapot, cup and saucer and spoon set came from eBay, I really wanted to paint them keeping the lines, but the paint just soaked into the the MDF and roughened up the surface/finish, so in the end I simply covered the pot and cup and saucers with Ranger Glossy Accents, as the Sharpie pens I had were too dark for the look I wanted.


However, a silver Sharpie pen did work on the spoon, which I then covered with more Glossy Accents.


The wooden letters (from The Works) also got the same treatment, pen, followed by Accents.


All I had to do then was fiddle fart with all the pieces to make them look balanced before gluing them down.  It’s a pity the camera hasn’t picked up the glossiness of the pieces, as they look rather drab and flat in the pictures.


To bring everything together I added a scattering of gold stars and clusters of three black dots (using a fine liner pen).


I think it’s turned out pretty OK and am sure the little man himself will be pleased with it, hanging it along side all his other frames at the end of his bed. 


Happy days.


  1. This is such a wonderfully personal gift. Someday, Bertie will have loving memories of the things his Nana made for him.

  2. What a lucky lad to have you in his life. What wonderful work, love how you did the spoon, so clever, so are the rest. Well done him on his Te blog. Looks so professional.
    Faith x


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