Monday 1 May 2023

The Cost Of Living, The End Of An Era(?) …… But A New Tactic…….

Since I’ve been listening to the little ones read at Iris and Bertie’s school, I’ve been relying on The Works for their 10 books for £10 book offer, to give as a little Christmas/End of School year present to the children to help encourage them to  “keep on reading” during the holidays. Alas, it seems The Works are only doing 3 books for £5 at the moment, I’ve emailed them to ask if that’s it for now, as there’s no mention of the aforesaid 10 for 10 in any of the stores I’ve visited.


It was such a do-able bargain, what else can you buy of substance for diddies for just £1 a head these days?  However, as I really can’t do 3 for 5, I’ve decided to look for books elsewhere, to wit, the charity shops of Evesham and let’s just say this girl dun gud, very gud!


I’ve been extra super fussy, only going for the most pristine books I can find, many of which don’t even feel/look as if they’ve had their spine broken …….clean, no curled corners, no creases, scribbling, etc.


……. and it’s absolutely criminal, but I’ve managed for pick them all up for 5 for £1 in one shop and 20p each in another! In one shopping trip I found enough to give at the end of the summer term. 


Now …… my next challenge is to find 25-30 Christmas themed books for this coming Christmas, which might not be quite so easy and a little more expensive,  but we shall see  ……….. happy days


  1. I volunteer in a thrift shop, and I always get children's books there for a little guy I send books to once a month. Thrift shops are such a great resource for children's books!

  2. What a savvy shopper you are, these are such great books too. Well done you.
    Faith x


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