Monday 15 May 2023

Guest Crafter – Iris Roo’s One World.

My apologies, I really, really, really have lost my mojo of late, but thank goodness Iris Roo has been able to help me out by filling an otherwise empty post with this absolute treasure………..


If ever there was a set of dies that have proved to be worth their weight in gold, it’s the original Sizzix Doll Body, along with it’s various hairstyles and boy/girl outfits.


Iris has always spent forever putting them together, I even have a much treasured picture of her with Auntie Marc, cutting out hundreds of dolls and outfits when she was about 3 or 4.


We took an old Poundland bathroom plaque (25p from a Christmas sale years ago) covering the original image with one of the world, found on Google images and then printed off. 


I can now see in the picture (above) that it’s centring leaves a lot to be desired , but it’s Iris’s work, so “tush” Nanny!

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She then added two googly eyes and a silver heart on the nose


I believe every doll had a special character, a family and a story ……..


…… with one having cancer, another with a broken arm, a queen ……….


…… and, I think, two missionaries, which is why Iris was very exacting when I helped her place and then glue them in place on to the frame.


Boy can that girl rock a self adhesive gem!  In all, it took Iris two mornings to complete her idea ……. two mornings of many, many memories ……..

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……… where I proved that I could still multitasked showing Bertie how to use publisher, bless him, all be it on a very, very ancient version, he was soooooo chuffed!  Happy days!


  1. Iris' work of art is just that - a work of art. I can see she has an inclusive heart that's as big as the world.

  2. What fun you must have had and what a fabulous result from Iris, so much thought went into it from her. Love Bertie so intent on that screen :)
    Faith x

  3. Well done Iris, I especially love all the stories your people of the world have x


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