Monday 8 May 2023

Another Bertie Rainbow Jumper

Sorry, only one post this week ......... I am still completely out of ideas!!!!!!

Well, I’ve had my knitting bag out for the past couple of weeks and my evenings full of dropped stitches after young Master declared that “Nanny”, his last (No. 2) rainbow jumper was getting too small ………


Now in my 20s to 30’s I was never without a knitting project, but since everyone I used to knit for has grown up, I rarely feel inclined to pick up the needles but old Berts rainbow jumpers are our very special bond. 


He loves colour and lordie boys clothes are boring enough in both colour and theme for a boy who is his own person. Last month the children in school had to wear something that expressed who they were for Mental Health Week, so it was a no brainer what his lordship wore!


I guess I’ll have to keep on knitting them, even when he’s in his 40’s and a big and burly 6ft 2in, so that he’ll never be without one. His first one is in his treasure box and I think No. 2 will be too, now it has a replacement.


This time round I decided to use black on the cuffs, sleeve top and neck which helped make the colours pop even more, and little added extra texture I worked two rows of garter stitch to the end of each colour band. I can knit all day and sew in all the ends without too much grief, but boy do I hate sewing the garment together.  I used to be so good at it, but sadly over the years that particular talent has completely left me.


And how did he like it? LOL, he loved it, especially the bumpy bits! Precious, precious moments and more memories made, but I think I’m going to get another one started, with a slight variation as he is growing at a stupid rate of knots!!!!!


  1. The rainbow jumper looks great, I think you have a job for life!


  2. What a wonderful young man to want such colourful jumpers. AND, to have you make them, he will have such treasures from you and lovely memories too. A fabulous piece of work Helen.
    Faith x

  3. That's a gorgeous jumper and just perfect for bright and bonny Bertie!


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