Monday 26 June 2023

Malvern Flea – Nanny Tat

As promised last week …… my considered purchases (Nanny Tat) from the May Bank Holiday Malvern Flea and Antiques Fair.  Please excuse some of their less than pristine cleanliness, as they hadn’t been washed at this stage, due to my rush to get them photographed for this scheduled post, because, in real life, as you read this, I am lying on a sunbed on a beach in Greece!  Happy days.


These miniature, possibly bohemian, Czech painted jugs were £2 for the pair. I collect this sort of thing to decorate my shower room shelves.  It’s getting harder to find larger pieces in charity shops and the prices are creeping up, but although these are pretty nibbled around the tops they will be perfect for putting between larger pieces to help bring the displays together.


And ……. this little man was thrown in for free, he’s tiny! He’s going in a frame. I am thinking an enamelled MDF tree, an apple and a snake for a Garden of Eden diorama?


This little ballerina was £2, I got her because she matched something very similar I bought in a flea market in New York, only the American, one, when I got home, is considerably smaller. She was very much an impulse buy, but that’s just part of the excitement of the day.


Now, for three brooches each bought for a pound and all, I think, destined to be put in small shadowbox frames.


The bird is exquisite, there’s fair amount of chipping to the flowers, but in now way does it detract from it’s beauty.


The ballerina brooch will be framed for Iris as a memento to celebrate a dance show she’s taking part in, in a few weeks time.


Now, for the bits that need a little more research and if that proves fruitful, they may end up on eBay to help towards my 2024 USA Fund. These guardian angel figurines are possibly Victorian, no makers mark, just the numbers 1379 embossed on the back.


They’re not glazed and differ everso slightly.  To be honest, I find them rather creepy.  I have found similar ones online, but these seem to be a little cruder. They only cost £4.50 for a pair, but I think, once I know a bit more about them they’ll be separately on eBay.


This German made, 1920’s (?),  lustre ware, sentiment cup was 50p in a mixed basket of tat.  I think it may originally have had a saucer, but others I have found online are generally sold on their own.  I was thinking of putting a cactus in it, but I think at 50p it might be worth a punt …….


…… as perhaps this other tiny cup, again 50p from the same basket.


….. and if they don’t sell, they already look very at home amongst all the other bits of nanny tat already on my shelves …….. we shall see.

It was a brilliant day out for just £5 entrance fee, whether we’ll be able to fit another one in this year I’m not sure, our next six months are pretty much planned, but with the prices of some of the things I look for better than most charity shops, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, some interesting finds. I always love your descriptions and what you've been able to research about each item.


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