Monday 3 July 2023

Ballerina Frame

Iris was in a dancing show the other week and I wanted to give her something special from Nanny to remember the day by.


There was really nothing to it, but let’s just say it’s keeping Fiddle Fart going while I go through this creatively limbo! 


The ballerina brooch you might recognise from Lu’s and my trip to Malvern Flea and Antique Fair (£1) a week or so ago.


In order for the ballerina to lie flat in the frame I had to take the pin fitting off the brooch, it was soooooooo flipping hard, it just didn’t want to give up its position and I really didn’t want to break off an arm or leg in the process, I finally manged it, although a stone, quickly glued back in, did come out, doh!


The small, white, plastic picture frame cost me 50p from a local charity shop, took on a whole new look after it had been sprayed gold, once the back and glass had been removed.


When the frame was dry, I simply glued a piece of black card onto the back and then closed up the case (I didn’t use the glass again), putting the ballerina slap bang in the centre, fixing securely with E6000 glue.  The final touches were made using the tiny, gold stars.  Sorry, about the glue marks, luckily Iris didn’t notice them, but as you can see my crafting is a bit off!

Iris loved it ….. after the show, she said, with stars in her eyes, that she wanted to dance just like “the big girls” when she was older, she is such a determined young lady, I think she just might!


  1. What a great momento for Iris.


  2. A True Treasure, for Iris, Helen. Just gorgeous.
    Faith x

  3. The perfect sweet remembrance of a very special occasion!


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