Tuesday 3 October 2023

I Try Temu For The Very First Time.

I said I wouldn’t get sucked into Temu, but after being bombarded by ads I gave up just to see if it was any good, well, I have to admit I am now hooked!

Orders over £10 are free and unbelievably parcels arrived via Evri (not my favourite delivery company admittedly) within a week!

My initial order was mainly for Christmas brooches, with the idea that if my mojo doesn’t return, what else could I find as small fairing gifts from Iris and Bertie to give to their lunchtime supervisors, kitchen staff, Breakfast Club etc. for Christmas instead.


I ordered quite a few, with fingers firmly crossed as these snowmen only cost me 98p each. I can’t believe the quality and how well made they are and most importantly, the pins look like they will definitely not let them down. 


I will then pop a brooch into one of  these 7cm x 5cm, burlap, drawstring bags (£5.99 for 50, which works out at about 12p per bag)  with perhaps a chocolate snowman or two and then get Iris and Bertie to give them out on 1st December so that everyone has one to wear on their school lanyards etc. for Advent and hopefully beyond.  I need to add something to the front of the bags to jolly them up a bit, I’m thinking a wooden Christmas button (?) and when I do, I will post the result on here, on a Monday, at a later date.


Iris is absolutely panda mad at the moment, so I also added these little trinkets to my first haul.  The pocket hug will go in her backpack on her first day back at school and the necklaces put away for those days when she deserves a little treat or put in a cracker at Christmas. The pendants are lovely, the chains aren't the best quality, but more than enough for a little girl to wear.


As a family, our very favourite animal of choice is the capybara, don’t ask me why, but they are always the animal we seek out first when we go to a zoo etc. and spend most time oooooing and ahhhing at. So what can I say? A pack of huge stickers with the potential of adding to cards and tags plus a badge that will be put on a small 4cm x 4cm canvas and easel for Tom, as he is the pottiest about the creatures.


The stickers (including another panda set, not pictured) were ordered to see how big they actually were. To be honest, I didn’t really read the bumf, so was really expecting something of a teeny weeny nature, boy was I surprised, they are mahoosive, as you can see when set beside a pen! I will definitely be ordering more varieties to cover all seasons, because every child I read with, in school on a Wednesday and Thursday is always desperate for  Mrs Geddes sticker!  Well, these have just upped the ante and are well worth reading another couple of pages for!


I was also curious about the quality of Temu’s socks, as the prices seemed ridiculous, so I ordered one of the prettiest but cheapest set I could find.  Again, I am impressed, I thought they would be all “thready” inside, where the colours change and join up, something I’ve caught my toes in, in the past, when wearing other patterned socks, but these are smooth inside, so hopefully, no snagged toe nails. I’m not sure how robust they will be, they seem OK, and I really like them. I have since ordered a pair of a Skeletor design (from He-man, don’t ask) for Tom to see what they are like.


I will also definitely be ordering some more of these small treasure chests, now I have seen them in the flesh as it were, to put a few more “fairing” gifts together. They are a perfect fit for two Ferrero Rocher chocolates.  How cute would they look as a place setting on a festive table.  I may add a few flat back gems here and there, but I love them and will now be perusing the shop shelves of other things to put in them, small bath fizzers, chocolate coins etc.?


I was also interested in the large capacity tote bags, always useful when out and about …….. but were they that big?


Yes, wow they were, folding flat into a wallet type shape!  This one was £2.48 and again I cannot quibble over the quality, which certainly cannot be described as flimsy in any way, so impressed that I have since ordered a few more, a couple for me and the others as stocking fillers. The designs are delicious and cover all sorts themes and interests of the user.


I ordered a few more other bits and pieces which will hopefully feature in the future as part of a crafty idea ……..


…… including these 3.5ins, wooden, bauble shapes (£3.59 for 20) which I am hoping to use as part of this years Monkey Christmas card/fairing, if I can get them to co-operate in an unseasonal festive photoshoot!

My only tip when buying from Temu is shop around for the best price for what it is you want, prices do vary quite a bit and seem to change continually and if there are multiple choices of design and colour, check very carefully that you have ticked the right option.

Anyway, as I have said, I am very impressed. I have a couple more orders to come and I will share anything that I think is particularly good. I have ordered a t-shirt for Iris and Bertie to check their quality, as I have ordered a couple of adult sizes from Ali Express before for Halloween and the material is dire, a cross between nylon and polyester, OK to wear as a joke or for a one off occassion, but not for, how shall I put it, best! 


  1. I have ordered from Temu and have found their quality quite good. I actually ordered a knit shirt and loved it so much that I immediately ordered two more in different colors. It's fun to see the items you found, and they give me ideas of what to look for next time I visit their website. Thanks for sharing!

  2. WOW! What fabulous buys, so much variety too. Plenty to play with there.
    Faith x


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