Monday 2 October 2023

Bedroom Change Up

Buoyed by my little hall makeover, I then decided to do something with my bedroom, there really wasn’t anything wrong with it, I just wanted more colour as a comfort for the long gloomy months ahead, all the white made it feel fresh, but cold.


So……. I started with the original 60’s/70’s fish eye mirrors above the bed, which were originally painted black when I bought them from a couple of charity shops and Malvern flea, for no more than £4 each. I re-sprayed the middle one yellow and I liked it, so then decided to spray the other two pink. 


However, despite spraying on to a white base ……….


……..the colour came out decidedly purple, compared to the pink on the lid, this might have peed me off if pink is what I had set my heart on, but as purple was also on my colour palette I carried on spraying with gay abandon!


I thought I may have better luck using the same colour on the other silver mirror I had on the side wall, but again it came out very purple, but again I could live with it!


Next, the bit I was dreading, painting behind the bed in a deeper shade of teal to the other three walls, using paint I already had. I HATE painting, no matter how small the space ……..


…..and even though it didn’t look all that different, it still took three good coats to get an even colour!


Not all that much work to be honest, so within a day I was ready to put it all together.  I had already bought plain mustard, purple and teal bedding to give me the option of making a subtle change or two when washing day comes around, taking colours from the £8 crocheted charity shop blanket I beat Marc to when we went shopping a few years back in Worcester, let’s just say, he still hasn’t forgiven me!


The patterned cushion covers came from Temu and cost just just £1.89 each, which I think work with the blanket as a contrast (?)  The cushion inners cost me £3.00 for the two, from my favourite Evesham charity shop.  They came with pristine M & S covers, which I was able to donate back, so win win all round.


On the mirror sconces I hung all the worry beads and dingle dangles I’ve collected over the years from all our various Greek Odysseys. 


The only thing I need to change up now is the lamp (Ikea), another bargain £6 charity shop buy, so it owes me nothing.  I want something a little more exotic, multicoloured and most likely, Moroccan in style, I’ve got one in my Amazon basket, but I’m currently holding out until I go to Coventry and Poole in the next month or so, just in case I stumble across something really different on my charity shop shopping expeditions, fingers crossed!


  1. It all looks so bright and cheery. I think you'll love spending time in this room.

  2. OH! What a lovely, warm and colourful room, love those mirrors, and the crotchet blanket.
    Faith x


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