Thursday, 20 January 2011

My apologies ....

My apologies, I haven't kept a check on my posts and can't believe I have let 3 x 9 square template cards be published one after another ...... very sloppy and boring!  I am so sorry. 

I write most of my posts at weekends and holidays and do have a long schedule list as there is NO WAY I can actually make/produce items to post each day. But I didn't check at the start of the week what would be published ...... three cards of the same design, all using stickers ..... aghhhhh.  Again I am sorry, and it won't happen again!

So Many Bags …….

So Many handbags Card
The little handbag stickers come from Mei Flower bought from NEC Hobbycrafts (they also have an on-line shop)
So many handbags Card 2
There’s not a lot to this card but it is ideal for a girl who can never have too many handbags!