Whenever I go away to the sea I have to spend an hour or so each day looking for “holey stones” – I just like stones with holes in them and didn’t realise that there were any magical powers attributed to them until I found a couple of articles while blog hopping …
“Holey stones are old stones carved by nature; water, wind and sun, and have holes that go completely through them. These stones are reputed to have extremely powerful magical properties, the most important of which is protection.”
I have a huge vase filled with them on the windowsill of my Craftroom, the little ones I am starting to make into “charm” bracelets, but as you can see, I need a bit more practice with the findings which I find very fiddly to work with. The large ones I give to friends now and again …. but they have to be “special” friends as I love each and every stone I have ever found.