Sunday, 1 April 2012

Easter Egg/Lunch Bag

As I am being very careful with money this year I begrudge paying more than a pound for a bag just to put an Easter Egg or small present in, no matter how lovely.
Altered Brown Lunch  BagSo these are two I have made using paper sandwich/lunch bags from Home Bargains. They only cost £1 for a pack of 10, bargaintastic! I’ve just added die cut flowers with a flat backed pearl centre and a bit of doodling. Each bag has probably cost me no more than 35p, which means I have more money to spend on Easter goodies.
Altered Lunch BagIt would also be a cute bag for a child to take their last packed lunch in before they break up for the Easter holidays. The Poundshops have some lovely large puffy Easter sticker at the moment which could easily be used instead of the flowers.