Monday, 23 March 2020

Staying At Home ........

These are truly unprecedented and uncertain times, which is why I decided to delete my last post re: my pooped mojo, what a twonk!!!
As the coronavirus surge gathers pace in the UK  I want to scream ".... for goodness sake people, this is for real!", I just feel that some people can't see what is heading our way beyond the need to stockpile. What's with all the loo roll?
For Iris and Bertie school has now closed, which was heartbreaking to witness. How do you explain that there's no school, no swimming, no Rainbows and no dancing etc. etc. for a long long time? Tom and Laura will be taking over the childcare between them, leaving me to #StayHome and be safe.  Thank goodness for video calls! As a result I will not be venturing out again unless absolutely necessary and at the moment I can't imagine what that would possibly be for, then if/when we go into lockdown, Lu (who is now working from home) is all packed and ready to come down to me the second it's announced.
Marc (and Rick), you'll be glad to know are safe at the Worcester Cottage, which is wonderfully isolated, the thought of Marc being in London terrified me. Our usual Eurovision weekend, when we also celebrate Marc's birthday is obviously cancelled but we will be in contact all the time.
So ....... I have no excuse not to post now, with at least 12 weeks in front of me, I need to keep my body and mind active and absorbed, goodness only knows what I will be posting, a bit of everything I expect ........ but I will be here ...... and so will The Monkeys on my other channel ......