Saturday, 4 October 2014

Safe …. Mini Halloween Pumpkin Lanterns

I don’t know about you but though I love candles, I am very wary of Halloween, candles and children …… but it’s so lovely to create a little awe, wonder and magic for them ….. so I got to thinking ……
Poundworld Mini Horror Pots _thumb[6]Poundland Battery Operated FlickeringTealights
………. what if I married some mini pumpkin pots (6 for £1 from some Poundshops and DiscountUK stores) with Poundland battery operated flickering tea lights?
Mini Horror Pots Pumpkin facesI wasn’t sure if the tea lights would fit or the light would be strong enough to shine through, but they did, on both counts!
Mini pumpkin pots Halloween….. and looked so cute all lit up. DiscountUK also had packs of skull and Frankenstein pots too.
So for £3 you could have six little decorations that children could safely carry around or have in their rooms without any worry (well, except for perhaps the odd nightmare!)
I was also thinking that you could take the handles off the skull pots, put a tea light in each one and then stack them on top of each other in threes or a six to make a spooky tower of skulls!  Watch this space!!!