Rather can give you an almost daily blow by blow account of the painting I've done for my Mum’s 80th birthday, I thought I would deliver it to you all in a single post as a fait au complet, outlining the stages I went through before the great unveiling !
Because it was much cheaper I ordered two (one and a spare!) 48” x 36” canvases from http://www.canvas-store.co.uk/ which arrived within two days of my ordering them, as did the set of Royal & Langnickel acrylic paints (£5.29) from Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/Royal-Langnickel-Colour-Acrylic-Tubes/dp/B001880N9Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1365961557&sr=8-1&keywords=Royal+and+Langnickel+acrylic+paint
However, when I went into The Works to get a palette, I saw this Boldmere starter pack of much larger tubes of acrylic paints for just £7.99, which was far more economical, and I couldn’t resist, especially as I now had two canvases to paint.
So armed and stocked up ….. I set to work ….. sketching the design out roughly first ….. …. and then gradually filling the design in ….. the above only taking me a couple of very chilled hours while listening to Radio 4 on a Saturday afternoon.