It seems ages since I have made any Boo Brew (a Halloween version of Snowman Soup), but this year I thought I would “resurrect” it!
This year I have managed to find Halloween mallow poles in B M Bargains (69p for 10) and Witches Broomsticks in Poundland (15 in a pack) to replace the mini marshmallow packs I used to make. I was always a little iffy about handling loose sweets, even though I always wore plastic gloves, so as these are already singly wrapped they solved my problem.
I decided to use the broomsticks for this years brew as they were the shorter of the two for the 6.25cms x 6.25cm cello bags I was using, although I still had to turn the ends over using double sided tape to make them fit, (but I “think” I have an idea for the poles for another post).
Also included in the packs is a sachet of hot chocolate (box of five Malteser or Galaxy from Pound World), a suckie skull lolly (pack of at least 12 from Pound World) plus a chocolate lolly and pumpkin chocolates available in most supermarkets at the moment and another two plastic spiders for good measure.
Please note :- *If I was selling this sort of thing at a school fayre etc. I would make sure that they were clearly labelled saying that they were not suitable for young children under 3 (at least) because of the nature of the contents.