I got up, had a shower and then meant to “do” the lounge, but I got waylaid …. by my boudoir bathroom mirror ….. and four hours later I am still in my dressing gown ….. with a mirror about half way done ….. and a messy lounge still screaming to be vacuumed!!! The mirror sucked me in I am afraid as opposed to me sucking up with the vacuum …. if you pardon the expression!
I am really surprised to see how far I managed to get with what only looked like a small pile of leftover bits and pieces, I don’t think I need to go to Primark to look for bits to disassemble after all …… I also remembered these glittered adhesive shapes from Michael’s that my friend Dianne in Florida sent me that are just perfect for the more fiddle farty top layer.
When I made my first mirror I was very wary of mixing different materials … I wanted it all to be metal and glass gems ….. but now so long as it is pretty and/or sparkly I know it will look OK.
I don’t however have quite enough stuff to finish the whole of the mirror, so I have ordered these metal flowers and acrylic gems from E-bay to complete it hopefully. I will then use small pearl and gold beads to fill in any small gaps in the final stages.
I now need to let what I have done so far to set properly, while waiting for these pieces to arrive …. and perhaps get some cleaning done too!
Hi Helen. Looking good so far. Crafting does make the time disappear doesn't it : ) Take care.
its going to fit in so well it it it will add that bit of sparkle to your room that your looking for and you get to look at all those bits that normally would be shoved in a draw and when or if you get tired of it just take it down spray it all white i have made loads over the years lots for kids rooms made out of all their old toys which later when they got older i sprayed just plain white or black it always surprises peps what painting a every day objects one colour can do
it's looking good, never mind the cleaning.... always another day for that !
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