Tuesday 4 December 2018

Advent Drawer Tuesday

I am still flipping going …… is it just me or does this set of drawers seem like it’s been going on forever ?
Nutcracker Advent Drawer
Anyway….. there’s another four today ……. some I am happy with like the nutcracker one above using some really nice foam stickers I got from Flying Tiger …….
Snowman Advent Drawer
……. and the snowman one above.
STars Advent Drawer
However, I am not that keen on the star one above, it just says dull, dull, dull to me, perhaps I need to throw caution to the wind and glitter the numbers and stars ……. hmmmm.
snowflake Advent Drawer
Something isn’t right with the blue snowflake drawer either, the background on the numbers is too dark, I think it needs to be white  …..?
Oh well, back to the drawing board for a little more fiddle farting, no wonder it’s taking me so long to get finished.


Cheryl W said...

I am certain that a little fiddle-farting on your part will bring all the drawers into your range of satisfaction. I like the idea of more glitter on the star drawer. Maybe the same treatment will also work on the snowflake drawer.

tilly said...

loving the nutcracker one, it will all look great once done but I agree with the snowflake, a bit lack lustre

marc said...

yep glitter is needed when you do your next one i can cold enamel some of your numbers and other bits some gilding flakes might work on some as well also ute big love marc