Monday 6 April 2020

Bertie's Rainbow Jumper

Bertie's much requested rainbow jumper was finally finished just in time for his 4th birthday on Saturday.
There was a time when I was never without a piece of knitting, but apart from my knitted dish clothes and a few loopy scarves I haven't knit anything on this scale for about twenty five odd years ......
....... however I think my tension is pretty much still there!
It also goes without saying that I still loathe all the sewing in of ends with a vengeance, as well as the sewing up, in fact I am not entirely sure that I even used the right stitch to do it, so thank goodness you can't see it from the outside ........ but what did the young master himself think of the finished product
I think it passed muster!  I now have another request ....... Iris would very much like a rainbow cardigan, so I need to find a free pattern online that uses the same size needles as Bertie's jumper, as they are the only two sets I have.


tilly said...

Please can I have a rainbow cardigan as well ?? it looks great no wonder he was pleased !

CraftyCoffey said...

Great jumper, good luck with the cardigan.


joanold said...

What a gorgeous jumper, and so very apt in our current situation.

Pamela said...

A beautiful jumper modelled by gorgeous little boy. No wonder Nanny loves him so much!

Cheryl W said...

Oh, wow, you did a beautiful job! And Bertie looks pleased as punch.