Wednesday 18 November 2020

Feeling A Little Smug and Apprehensive

I started November with a smug sort of feeling ………


The Towers has looked like a bomb site for past few weeks while I made a concerted effort to finish all the Christmas decorations etc. I had started but not got round to putting the extra fiddle-fart on them. I almost forgot what my dining room table looked like!


Some projects went right back to the last time I stayed with Marc at the cottage just after lockdown was eased ………


……… but now, woooo hooooo, they are all bagged up, along with everything else ………


……. ready to go ……


…… and I have got my table back!


All I think I need to do now, crafting wise, is about a dozen, “just in case” Christmas cards, because this year I am planning on giving most people one of said decorations, a fairing to keep rather than something that will be chucked away or recycled at the end of December. However, my mind is currently very blank, try as I might, there is just no inspiration or inclination there.


I also spent three whole days sorting out all the craft cupboards and drawers in my spare room.  I can’t find anything anymore, but it’s all very neat and tidy with two large shoe boxes full of stuff taken to Iris and Bertie’s school. I know I say it every time, but I need to rein in, I have enough stuff to craft 24 hours a day for the next twenty years, I really don’t need any more!  Famous last words!  One thing in, should mean, one thing out!

And the reason for all this organisation? I have finally committed to doubling my spare room as a craft room.  At the moment the room remains largely unused, apart from when someone is staying over. The drawers and cupboards are filled with all my craft stuff, so I simply pass in and out whenever I need something and in the meantime, when I am in a crafting frame of mind, my lounge/diner becomes a total  mess, unless I tidy everything away at the end of each session, which I don’t always want to do.


So, the bed is going to my niece, who is just setting up her first home and I have ordered a sofa bed (above) to replace it. It’s going between the two sets of drawers either side of the room and I know it’s going to be a TIGHT squeeze.  I have measured the space at least a hundred times, and I think I have 1cm wiggle room, agghhhh!  However, if it won’t go, one set of drawers can be removed quite easily and moved somewhere else in the room, but hopefully it won’t come to that.

I will then move the table I craft at, in the lounge, into this room as and when, and if it all works according to plan, I can leave everything exactly where it is when I have finished “playing” and simply shut the door.  Having the extra space, will also give Iris and Bertie somewhere else to play other than the through lounge.  Well, that’s the theory anyway. When it’s all set up trust me you’ll be the first to see/know, just keep your fingers crossed the sofa fits first time! 


CraftyCoffey said...

Let’s hope the sofa bed fits guest time-it looks lovely. What fun planning a craft room.


Cheryl W said...

First of all, congrats on finishing up all those crafting projects! It's amazing that you've completed them more than a month ahead of the holidays. Secondly, I'll keep my fingers crossed that your sofa bed fits perfectly. Can't wait to see pics of the new arrangement.