Tuesday 25 May 2021

Domed Skeleton Fairy

Not to everyone’s taste I know today and a huge sorry, I was so absorbed when putting this domed skeleton fairy together, taking photos of the process just flew out of my head.

This is Marc’s birthday present from me, I knew I was going to make him some sort of skeleton, but to be honest, I didn’t really have a clue where I was going until I was about half way through.

skeleton Fairy

I started by gathering two lengths of the wonderful black and gold lace (80p for a huge length from Evesham Fabric Shop) to create a full, double layered skirt.


The scepter was made using a cocktail stick, a small skull bead (The Works), a silver, star shaped spacer bead for the neck frill and a gold crown charm (Ebay from China), if you are prepared to wait 2 to 3 weeks for your bits, it’s so much cheaper.

fairy skeleton

I first tried putting “the fairy” on a old, wooden, cotton reel pedestal but it soon became apparent that she was never going to stand without toppling over every five seconds ……. so I then thought "dome", having a spare one in the cupboard from my Christmas shelves. I had to use Super Glue to hold her in position.


After adding a crown, the scepter and wings (£1.50 -The Works, I originally only bought one packet and kicked myself for not buying more after making my first skeleton fairy a few weeks ago, and then low and behold I spotted them in a basket in another Works, needless to say I bought all they had).


Then I went a little bit mad, adding a whole pile of plastic spiders, using a glue gun to the skirt and then on the back of the wings,  ………


…… followed by more skull beads in between the spiders …….


……… not “less is more” on this idea!

Backview of Domed Skeleton FairyDomed Fairy Skeleton

Adding the glass dome over the top gave the whole thing a completely different feel, it felt as if it was now something “special” and then ………. I went the whole hog and put tiny battery operated lights inside the dome as well.

I can’t wait to see Marc’s face when he opens the box, it’s been really hard to give it away, even to my best friend ……. but I think if I rearrange my lounge shelves a bit, I have another dome to make one for my own.


Cheryl W said...

It looks amazing! I wish I could see Marc's face when he opens it. From what you have indicated about his tastes, I think he's going to love it.

Paw W said...

It's beautiful, Marc will adore it!

marc said...

I cried it was so lovely the photos don't do it justice it was perfectin my eyes but Helen being Helen and perfectionist did not like the lights well it was not the lights but the over all glow off the lights I could see her mind ticking over. Thank gourd I just so happened to have a draw full of lights which after considered choosing and a snip she had whooped the lights out and replaced them with a warmer glow of lights that took it up another level my girl knows her stuff and she is a devil when it comes to. Detail it now sits proud on my shelf out of the reach of dogs and visiting children I am so lucky to have such an amazing women and friend or as Rick. And I say Helen is family and we are bleesed. The other gifts has us laughthing but every one was just perfect big love always Helen you are a star Marc