Monday 10 January 2022

Wooden Block Snowmen

Note to self, even if the charity shops are giving them away for free, I DO NOT need any more wooden building blocks, Jenga pieces or dominoes (unless, in the case of the dominoes, they are unusually large!) ……… I really have more than enough!

Wooden Building Block Snowmen.

These snowmen started off as a said charity shop bag of bricks, nine in total measuring 4cms square for just 50p, I could not buy them, because of their decent size and good quality finished wood!

Building Block snowman Tree ornament decoration

I started off by painting the blocks with a white, Wilko sample pot emulsion, intending on only making snowmen head tree decorations like I had seen on Pinterest ……..

crafting with childrens wooden building blocks

…… but then I got to wondering if I could make a whole snowman by stacking three blocks together.


There was only one way to find out!  I put them together everso slightly out of kilter to make them look a little less formal and hopefully give them character.


I was most worried about how to make the scarves would look right, so added them first, once the glue on the blocks had set.  I glued them round the top of the second cube, hiding any sins with a small, white plastic snowflake (of which I really need to order more).


The rest just came together really easily, various sizes of black, flat back gems for the eyes, mouth and buttons plus an already made orange Fimo nose.

The top hats came from an order from China, which I decorated with a tiny holly punch and equally tiny, red, flat back pearl berries.


The rakes were an after thought, using some pieces from a Jack Straws game bought from The Works during one of their sales because I thought they could be uses as interesting  embellishments.  Three snowmen made for a total of, I guess, 70p each at the very most.


Cheryl W said...

Super cute! I especially like that you set the blocks slightly off kilter. Definitely gives them character.

tilly said...

I love the quirky snowmen, but adore the little rakes lol Tilly