I make a lot of cards to order. This has come about by my leaving a box of general cards in the various school staffrooms where I have worked, and then someone coming up to me asking if would make them a "special" card but a bit bigger! From there it has become word of mouth, people show others the card I have made for them and I get asked again, a ripple effect.
I now have lots of "regulars" who send me long lists several months in advance that I can work through. I ask for a name, age, and interests and try to tailor my design around that, making it as personal to that person as I can. Sometimes what I make is not always too my taste, but as long as the giver and reciplicant are happy, I can only be happy too.
This is one of my favourite cards. It was made as an order for Mel, a lovely, lovely girl I used to work with. Her friends had got engaged in Australia and this is what I came up with.
I went on Google and found an outline map of Australia which I cut and pasted and then formatted to burgundy. The font is 2 Peas High Tide, the ribbon is from East of India and the hearts punched from matching paper, all matted on gold with faux stitching in burgundy round the edges.
I hear that it is now framed and hanging on a wall is Aus!