There’s not an awful lot to these reindeer parcel charms/tags/tree decorations

They came about after I found an unused box of about 20 metal Christmas cookie cutters in a charity shop for just £2.49. I did hesitate and put them back once, but then I got to thinking that I have spent £1+ on cookie cutters in the past so they were a bit of a bargain, it was also the “potential” of reindeer head that did it for me.
I started them off at Marc’s, as he had some spare brown fimo …….

It was also Marc’s idea to roll the noses in ultra fine glitter before baking, I was dubious, but it worked, the glitter did stick . I put a hole in the top of each head before baking so that I could add a hanging/tyingthread later. It doesn’t show up very well in the pictures, but there are two shades of reindeers, a chocolate brown and a slightly lighter brown.
When I got home all I had to do was add the googly eyes, noses, holly confetti and tiny red flat backed pearls, plus a few white dots, using a white gel pen, which seemed to lift/brighten the reindeer faces.
I did try adding a bell and bead to the hanging/tying thread, but it didn’t really work as they proved to be a distraction that wasn’t needed.
However I intend to order some more brown fimo, as I think there is still some more mileage in the idea ….. for one I think I could put holes in each of the antlers and then add a small, dangling jingle bells to them with a jump ring. Without the holes they could also be added to craft stick or domino tags, so watch this space.