So ……. this is a card I made using the Craftwork Cards Christmas Candi Pad, I mentioned the other day. It measures ??? and the blank is hand cut using white linen effect card.

I am not sure what I think, using a “kit” is a bit alien to me! My first decision was not to use the Candi that came with the pad (red with gold dots), they didn’t really do anything for me or the card in its embryo state.

I started by outlining all the leaves and veins with a black fine liner pen and then used “Glossy Accents” to accentuate and bring a little texture to the darker leaves . When dry, the sheet was then thinly mat and layered on silver then red card.

I replaced the candi on the larger holly berries with small red buttons and used red flat backed pearls on the smaller ones and it looked …… OK.

I could have left it at that, but then I started to mither about the corners, before opting to cut four triangles of a green/cream gingham paper that matched pretty well ….. and then continued to fiddle fart even more by adding peel off corners and another set of smaller red pearls and faux stitching.
I know it’s OK, but it’s not my style ……. and after this first attempt, to be honest, the rest of the pad is not for me …… however, I will pass it on to Marc, who knows people who would bite your right hand off for it!!!!