Following on from yesterday’s bracelets …….

….. during our “Crafty Wedding Evenings” chez moi, we have been wondering what to make for the gentlemen as a small favours for Tom and The Lovely Laura’s much anticipated wedding …… then the Equally Lovely Denise had a brainwave ……. crocheted mice that can been used as noticeboard pins!

She bought the pattern from etsy

The equally Lovely Denise then ordered a ball of every colour wool, which are all so beautiful, it’s been hard for her to choose which to use first!

The idea is a no brainer as we reckon that when the ladies see the mice sitting next to the gentlemen’s place cards they will go all ohhhhh and ahhhhhh and will want one too, and the gentlemen ….. being gentlemen, will then offer them to their “ladies” as random acts of wedding kindness!!!!! What are we like?
Click on all rainbow mice pictures (except for my two) for links to etsy shop.