This couldn’t be simpler – and look, no mat and layering !
The stockings are from a pack of 9 from Papermania and the Naughty or Nice sticker is from a set of embossed stickers from The Paper Loft called Flip Flops, but I haven’t got a clue where I got them from - E-bay probably.
I am not sure if this is a “top tip”, but, if I am not sure about the design of a card I put it on the window sill in my craft room and occasionally take a quick glance at it, if after a day or two it “looks right”, it’s a keeper, if it still looks dodgy, it goes in the bin!
When I “bin” a card I always tear it up, this guarantees I can’t go back to it and niggle over how to put it right.
I have enough festive ideas to blog up until Christmas Eve, after that I would like to keep things going over the holiday, so I have put together a few posts about the tools I use, like my scoring boards and punches as well as a few Top Tips. Once we have celebrated New Year I will back to normal ....... a bit like Cadbury's I'll be starting Easter!!!!! - Only joking!