I found some chocolate “bug” chocolates in Aldi a while back and wondered if I could do anything with them for Halloween.

I had already saved a small jar with a black lid thinking it might come in useful for such a project.

I started by covering up any writing on the lid with a permanent black pen and a red scalloped circle.
I then glued some spider ribbon (from my Las Vegas trip to Michaels), round the middle of the jar and half way down the sides to make a handle, it took a couple of goes to get it right, hence the miss match of pictures.
I filled the jar with shredded red tissue paper and added the bugs, plus one sitting on the top.
I then decided that it needed a little something else, so made a label to stick round the middle using a scrap of torn black card with a handwritten Trick or Treat message using a white gel pen.

It’s an idea I am quite pleased with ……. but it could certainly be improved/fine tuned a little.

I don’t actually think the jar needs to be filled with bugs, one sitting on a bed of shredded tissue would be just as effective, with perhaps plastic Halloween novelty on the lid like a bony hand or skull perhaps……….
…… so I think I may be collecting a few more small jars before Halloween finally arrives..