Oh my life I never thought I would ever get back my enthusiasm to make my Halloween brew again. I lost all my files when my computer “died", so last Halloween I didn’t have the heart to “redo” them ….. but there is something about seeing all the Halloween bits and pieces in the shops that just nags at me to do something ….. So Ta Dah …… FiddleFart Halloween Brew 2013!

Inside each packet I have put in a sachet of hot chocolate,(Maltesers or Galaxy – 99p for a pack of 5 from Home Bargain etc.) some mini marshmallows (Home Bargains 79p or Poundland £1) which I have then divided into small cello pretzel bags and sealed with my Elitech vacuum bag sealer, two skull lollipops from a huge bag from Poundland (23 at least) and a couple of plastic spiders left over from my sweetie bags.

I have put together a poem, not a brilliant one I know ….. but it goes with the contents I have put in the packs, namely the skull lollipops as stirrers and as far as I am concerned I am
free to give
my poem away to anyone who wishes to use it, as it came out of my head …… so copy away ….

I am also free to offer you a download of the PDF file of the sheet of four cards to put in your packs as the doodled spiders and webs are also mine! I have left the bottom part of the card blank so that you can decorate it yourself with stickers etc. as I have done. The font used is Chiller.
The cards were designed to fit a cello bag approx. 9cm wide x 22cm long (not including the fold over), however, if your bags are a little bigger you could do a little creative mat and layering to make them fit! I sealed the completed packs with my sealer, which also cuts the excess cello bag off, but a transparent cell would work just as well.

Once downloaded the file can be printed on any colour card/paper – and embellished as you wish.
I bought my Elitech vacuum sealer several years ago, but don’t really feel qualified to offer any advice on buying one ….but if you are thinking about it for crafting, have a look on e-bay or Amazon …. I think I would expect to pay anything up to about £40 perhaps – anything under £20 would be a bargain!