Remember the old chair I got for free from one of the shops in the village that was having a chuck out …..

Well, it's finally finished and I have to admit that it was the fiddleist project I have attempted so far mainly because of various nooks and crannies on the front legs.
I especially hated doing the round bits and all the bars which were narrow, there was no clear run of covering, if you know what I mean compared to the tables I have done before, everything was a fiddly faff .... but I got it all done in the end ….. only to be scuppered when I ran out of quick drying varnish … and it took me longer than I had hoped to just nip into town to get a new tin, so it’s been standing in limbo now for a couple of weeks.

However …. I was dead chuffed when I managed to find some very vibrant silky turquoise material from the market for a couple of quid (with enough leftover to cover a three piece suite!) and after borrowing a staple gun from work I think I have made a reasonably decent job of covering the seat …. but I am not showing you the underneath, because it was a case of why use just one staple when 340 will do!

But, it’s now finished and I LOVE it and it is now sharing my boudoir with the bejewelled mirror I finished a few weeks ago. I am hoping to treat myself to a new look bedroom in the New Year, I plan the main colours to be cream and turquoise and then accessorised with a whole miss match of the jewel like colours taken from the chair ….
and I have my next project in sight ….

…. an old dressing table mirror that was given to me by my Grandmother and that I have used every morning to bung on my slap for years ….. but I am still a little unsure of exactly what to do with it, I don’t think it would look right Decopatched, at the moment it is sprayed gold but it is very dull ….. I am wondering if I could inject some vibrancy into it by gold leafing it and then adding a bit of stamping ….???? Any suggestions are most welcome on a postcard addressed to "FiddleFart – Mirror"!!!!!