Oh my goodness, how did I ever find time to work, or am I just showing my age and slowing down. When I think of everything I had to to do when I worked …… and what I actually “have” to do now …… oh well!

This is where I left off crafting last week and I haven’t progressed any further, however, I thought I would show you what I had done so far on the wreath I want to put on my Easter door.

The wreath, has been a huge learning curve as I have never made one before, I thought it would be sooooooooo easy, but at every turn I have met with something that has hindered my progress.

The polystyrene ring came from Hobbycraft, and was my first stumbling block as it was rounded on both sides. I tried to cover it “bare” with punched flowers, but it just didn’t look right, the flowers didn’t lie like I wanted them to. In the end, in sheer frustration I sliced the ring in half using my best carving knife, and then covered it in purple ribbon left over from Tom and Laura’s wedding unbelievably some four years ago. I now realise that I what really should have done was buy the set of two cardboard rings that I ummmed and ahhhed about at the much maligned HobbyCraft Show at the NEC! Flat circles, are, for me, definitely the way to go when making any future wreaths.

The flowers still didn’t lie exactly as I wanted, but I decided I was in too far to start fiddle farting again, but I still couldn’t help doing a bit of this and that, with punched leaf sprays and flower centres before really fully committing.

I decided to keep things really simple and only add one punched centre to each large flower, at the start I went overboard with fancy centres, but it was too much.

So, this is as far as I have got after a week ……….

Perhaps I am over critical when working on something that is totally new to me ……. but ….. I wish ….. I had gone for more spring and pastel type colours, to me the wreath is too strong and hot, where for Easter, I think it should have been light, cool and dainty, if that makes sense?
I now need to add more leaf sprays and gem centres to the flowers and then, hopefully, it will be completed by my next post.