I have a lovely old gentleman who asks me to make him a “Special” card every now and again, and they are always a challenge!!
The only brief I had was Father Joe, 40 and Team Vicar, but knowing my gentleman has a good sense of humour I decided to throw caution to the wind and go with what came into my mind first …….. and then “pray” that I got tone right”
I use Publisher to put the card design together, I have a basic template, but depending on the wording and theme it tends to change with each card. I try to get the wording right first and then it’s positioning, followed by finding suitable free images which in this case it wasn’t that easy!
Then comes more fiddle-farting to get the images to fit ….. a card like this can take up to two hours to get it just right …. before any cutting and sticking gets done. Once I am happy with the whole thing I save it all as a JPEG and then insert it in size a little smaller that A5 onto an A4 sheet (Landscape), then copy, paste and crop parts from it to make the simple decoupage layers (I hope that makes sense) until it looks like the sheet above.
Finally a few stars, micro glitter and the odd splodge of Ranger Glossy Accents add the final touches in texture and extra dimension.