Remember the 4 balls of craft cotton I got for £2.50 from a carboot the other week? Well, I’ve managed to knit 10 dishcloths out of them with about 12 inches of yarn left!
I cast on 25 stitches on (old size) 4 needles, and knit 26 rows. Each cloth measures 20cms x 20cms and took me about an hour to knit. They really are brilliant to use and I am hoping that they last a lot longer that “bought” cloths.
I did sew in one of my knitting labels on one, but that’s a bit “precious”!
Instead I have made double sides tags on printable matte canvas and can’t believe how professional they look. It’s the first time I’ve used the canvas in my printer and it’s brilliant! I’m dead chuffed with myself.
Apparently this is a big thing in the US and there are whole sites dedicated to dishcloth patterns like http://www.knittingpatterncentral.com/directory/dishcloths.php
As my sister is oft to say …. “You have far too much time on your hands!”