A while ago I think I mentioned that I couldn’t find my usual source of pretzel bags on eBay, the ones I used for Elizabeth Shaw mints ……
…….. Well, I have now found a brilliant eBay shop, thanks to one of my lovely, lovely followers, so really, I cannot take any credit for the finding …. however, I have lost the original e-mail which included the link, so I cannot thank that person by name in this post ….. but THANK YOU SO MUCH on behalf of myself and others who might use the link.
The cello bags come in 17 sizes, so well worth a look. I could now do with ordering some 3” x 4” bags which are a brilliant size for packaging wish bracelets etc.
http://www.yolli.com/ or
http://www.yolli.com/ or
This is just a personal “heads up”, I have had no communication with Yolli other than my order, I just liked what I found!!!