Some mornings I wake up and don’t have a clue what I am going to end up making, and then all of a sudden something comes together completely out of the blue like this birthday matchbox.

It started by making a line of bunting using a pack of Trimcraft Riverbank Revels Bunting that cost me 50p in a sale.

It was a bit fiddly with my sausage fingers, but well worth it in the end.

I then took a ready made craft matchbox (The Works 50p for 8, also found in a sale) which measures 5cms x 3.5cms, so this is a pretty small project. I covered the outside and the bottom of the box with self adhesive cotton fabric, I couldn’t believe just how easy it went on.

I then glued the end of the bunting under the box bottom, so everything was neatly put away.

On the other end of the bunting I tied a tag, also from The Works, which just finished the bunting off perfectly.

Everything then fitted very neatly into the matchbox.
I was then a bit stuck as to what to put on the box lid, I was thinking perhaps just a bow, but then I had a look at the other tags in the packet and found the “Just for You” one, perfect, it just pulled everything together with the ready made bow.

Before I had even finished this idea my mind was already racing to other occasions for which I could make these boxes, the tags also include “Congratulations” and “Thank You”, so that covers quite a few, babies, exams, driving test etc. ………

I am also thinking of a Christmas Tree decoration, somewhere, I think I have a mini string of Christmas lights …….. now if only I could find them!!