I have never used lolly pop sticks in my crafting before, but they kept cropping up during my Pinterest browsing, something I always do in bed for about half an hour before turning off the light …. so finally I decided to get me a few packs to play with, and this spider was the first thing I decided to make.
I coloured the sticks using a black Sharpie pen. Positioning the sticks to get an evenly spaced, convincing spider leg combo was a bit tricky, but in the end I got there, securing them with a “tacky” PVA glue.

I can’t believe that I didn’t have any black card to use for the spiders body, but this corrugated card turned out to be a much better substitute, because it added some texture. I punched it with a large, scallop edged circle punch and then again coloured it with a black Sharpie.

More dollops of glue ensued, plus two pieces of self adhesive magnet strip.

The final touch was the googly eyes, it was tempting to add a couple of fangs too, but I resisted.

Although originally with Halloween in mind ….. I think Mr Spider can go on my fridge and be Incy Wincy Spider for now.